Color Smarts: Pantone’s Color IQ Test

Pantone color IQ test

As you know, I’m a big fan of Pantone*, the company that sets many a color standard for a wide range of industries, and provides helpful products and resources as well. You’ve probably seen their Color of the Year stories (UltraViolet for 2018), for example.


Today, I ran across another fun little thing on Pantone’s site: their color IQ test! You just rearrange color tiles into a sequence that creates a smooth gradient from one color to another. It looks (but only looks) simple enough.

Here are the four color sequences that comprise the test:

Pantone color IQ test
These four color sequences each need to be rearranged to create smooth transitions from the beginning color to the ending one. How’s your color IQ? (Click the image to go the the test on Pantone’s site.)

Even though they’re calling this an IQ test, the objective is to get as low a score as possible (first test I’ve taken where I wanted to get a zero!). So it’s all in fun, but I found it really interesting, and I hope you’ll try it too. Who knows? This color-sequencing skill just may come in handy the next time you’re trying to figure out how to make two radically different colors blend together, whether you’re dyeing yarn or designing a bedroom. Enjoy!


*I’m not affiliated in any way with Pantone. I just really like them.

And FYI, I have never yet been affiliated with any sponsors— my blogs are simply about sharing my ideas and experiences. Never say never, I guess, but I promise I will tell you if that ever changes. Full disclosure here, always.


Want to see sewing stuff from Colormusing? Check out myBratelier (lingerie sewing, including bras!), and Changing Your Clothes, which covers everything from repairs & alterations to dyeing and remaking thrift-shop finds.

To get an overview of all my work — color, graphics, writing, photography — visit my new portfolio site, Lindy’

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