Palindromic Palettes, Part Trois: A Mini-project!

For the final post in this unintentional series, I’ll show you one of my favorite tricks to quickly create a beautiful background, using (surprise!) a Palindromic Palette.

Quick refresher: To mark the highly unusual palindromic dates in December 2021, my first Palindromic Palettes post from 12/1/21 started with my basic process for creating a palindromic palette:

  1. Open a palette file. (The ones I used in the examples below are all formatted as squares, but they don’t have to be.)
  2. Make a copy of the palette (in the same document).
  3. Flip the copy horizontally.
  4. Align the 2 palettes to combine into your very own Palindromic Palette!

In Part Deux, the 12/11/21 post, I showed you how simply turning a palindromic palette 90° could give a completely different look, as well as additional design options. And today, for my final Palindromic Palettes post to mark 12/22/21, we’ll take that idea one step further, thus:

The first step is to create your palindromic palette. (As noted on this screenshot, I created this project in Canva, a fantastic free resource, with whom I am not affiliated — I just really like them.) This palette is Caribbean Christmas, available as a set of digital papers for download.
Next, select your palette and duplicate it. Select the duplicate and rotate it 90° so the stripes are horizontal. (Shown in the process of rotating.)
Here, I’ve rotated the duplicate palette, and am in the process of aligning it exactly on top of the original.
Step 3, a.k.a. where the magic happens: With the duplicate (top) palette selected, change the transparency to reveal a gorgeous pattern. I used 50% transparency for this example, but do experiment with this setting! (Note: The original layer is still at 100% opacity in this example; I changed transparency of the top layer only, but again, experiment!)
Finally, add some text, and voilà — a uniquely beautiful design perfect for social media posts, blog images, and print designs (I can see this one on a greeting card or even a mug). This is also giving me ideas about creating seamless repeating patterns for textile designs, or how about custom gift wrap?? I think this particular one would look great as a pillow cover…hmmm…

And as mentioned on that last screenshot, I highly recommend trying this super-quick project with a wide variety of palettes to see what a difference it makes to use different color combinations. My Caribbean Christmas palette, used in this example, is particularly high-contrast with its color range from deep teal to bright coral-red, so going in the opposite direction, like with a palette that’s all pastel-y shades of pinks or taupes would look incredibly different from my example. Pro tip: If you already have your own branding color palette, why not use that for branding graphics, social media designs, etc.??

Happy Holidays, all!


P.S. I would be thrilled to see what you come up with from this mini-tutorial! Post your designs below!

P.P.S. I’m busy setting up my very own YouTube channel, and a video version of this post will be available very soon —  I’ll add a link here when it’s ready!

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